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Every year NITW Americas Alumni Chapter funds up to four qualified students $500 each to assist towards a foreign internship program, a foreign paper presentation or a research opportunity. This amount is provided in the form of a loan with out collateral and caries zero interest rate. The amount is expected to be donated to the NITWAmericas Alumni chapter with in two years of full time employment. There is no time frame for completing this application during a particular year. As long as our funding goals are not met, the form is kept open and the chapter continues to process applications. If the funding goal is met for a year, the chapter may close the application form or decide to keep it open for next academic year.

In addition to the scholarships provided by the chapter, an Alumnus or another individual in the USA may choose to assist a student towards his or her qualified educational expenses directly. In that case, the benefit for the sponsor is that their contribution is tax deductible, and there is no limit of contribution. However, the chapter still needs to obtain complete application from the student and approve the funding as a qualified expense under our chapters 501.c(3) guidelines. The qualified expenses in this case are not limited those mentioned in the above paragraph. They may include current expenditures such as tuition fees, research / paper presentation opportunities within India or any other. The chapter reserves the right to evaluate if the need of the student qualifies for the sponsorship.

The funding is still considered a zero interest loan with out any collateral or paper work required and is expected to be contributed back to the chapter within two years of full time employment.

Click here for Student Funding Application