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Link to the fund riser campaign – 2018:

Dear NITW Alumni,

NITW (formerly known as RECW) Americas chapter, a USA registered 510c3 non profit organization, aims to bring it’s alumni together for enhanced collaboration and networking. As a part of overall networking activity, NITW Americas chapter decided to involve in local outreach programs. Since many of our NITW alumni in US and across globe are ALREADY contributing to Sankara Eye Foundation (SEF) outside of this fundraiser , we thought it is good to bring all your contributions through single channel so that it reflects bigger.

NITW (RECW) Americas chapter [] decided to give back to the community by involving our alumni in this noble cause.

India is home to the largest number of visually impaired people in the world, a staggering 55 million. 80% of this blindness, however, is curable. Sankara Eye Foundation’s (SEF) mission is to eradicate curable blindness by providing free eye care to the needy. Since inception, SEF has performed over 1.6 million free eye surgeries. The gift of vision is quite possibly the greatest gift one can give or receive. NITWA chapter believes that you will join this great movement of giving gift of lights by helping SEF – Hyderabad hospital.

India’s Blindness Challenge

55 M people in India are visually handicapped
80% of the blindness can easily be cured
Most of them cannot afford even basic eye care

Sankara Eye Institutes are the largest free Eye Care providers in the world
SEF has completed over 1.8 Million Free Eye Surgeries. And 4 Star ( highest) rating from Charity Navigator, an independent rating agency.
Many of NITW alumni have contributing to SEF in donations and volunteer hours because of it’s reputation.
Location of this new hospital is close to our Alma mater
How we can help.

There are various denominations available . Alumni from all parts of the globe can contribute through this link. The contribution directly goes to SEF with proper accounting and final results will be displayed in this fund raising page.Every contribution is valuable.

Spread this link/URL to all your NITW friends and social media circles [Twitter, Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram] Please write your Degree/branch, year in the scrolling comments section when you donate..
Mention your company’s name for finding matching donations.
Please contact us for any further details.