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These are the mails we have received from various departments and faculty members.

  1. The college ethernet is going to be upgraded soon to have 64kbps data rate. The money has been paid and the work may start soon.
  2. The college is going to have a Software Technology Park in the campus soon, in which case we will have a 2MB data rate connection.
  3. In view of the above the Dept of CSE may not be given permission for a full connection. Hence we are planning to have a three single VSNL connections or P and T connections seperately for the dept to support the needs of project students. The line cost will be met by the department funds which may work out to be nearly 2 lakhs per year. However these three connections need three server machines for which I need the help from the Alumni. Approximately these may cost 3 lakhs.
  4. These days we teachers are practising the multi media tools for our lectures. To carry our lecture materiel to the class rooms a simple lap-tops will be very handy. If the Alumni can donate a few of these machines for some teachers it may be a good contribution for the betterment of the teaching at REC Warangal. I request you toconsider this proposal in your meeting.
  5. The procurement of CDs containing expert lectures or self learning tools for special topics will be of much use in the Dept. If Alumni can help in this regard please consider it.
  6. The dept. recently got rs.3 lacs for modernizing the fpm laboratory and in due course of time hope to improve the heat transfer laboratory. I want to explore the kind of help that is available from the alumni association there. (I understand from the site that help is available for providing equipment, scholarships, etc.) .
  7. Books for library
  8. Chemical Engineering: We need funds for lab upgrade.
  9. Electrical Engineering dept.: I have sent a proposal to AICTE, New delhi for grant of 125 lakhs to start a lab titled CENTRE FOR REAL -TIME CONTROL OF POWER SYSTEMS(CRTCPS) . This is a new lab that meets the future needs of the Indian National Power grids. I would like to submit the above to your US recw almuni chapter. So suggest me how to approach the above chapter. also spell out the guidelines ion your reply mail.
  10. Improving network and computation facilities in Elect. Dept. Lab

Sponsoring Events / Students / Faculty members for Conferences.

  1. The chapter has decided not to sponsor cultural and technical events in NITW. The executive body took this decision after taking into account the amount of funds available to the chapter. The chapter can help spread the word about events can channel funds recieved from individuals but would no longer sponsor any events.
  2. The chapter has decided to sponsor one individual (upto $250 ) every year to a conference. The chapter will also try to find accommodation for individual through it alumni network. Preference will be given to individuals with papers in reputated journals and conferences. Papers in workshops will not be entertained.